How to Enrol Adult Education Tasmania

How to Enrol

Enrolling with adult education is quick and easy. You can enrol online, by telephone, or in person at any library.
Please note that your place in any course will be confirmed when payment is received at the time of enrolment. Payment options are:

  • Credit Card – online or by phone, or in person at any library
  • Cash – over the counter at your local library. EFTPOS is also available at most libraries
  • Cheque or Money Order – in person at all libraries
Invoices cannot be provided and staged payments are not available.

Enrol Online

To enrol online you will need a credit card to complete your payment details and an email address to confirm your enrolment.

To search for a class:

Find the class that you’re interested in by using the various search functions available on this site. You can search by:

  • Course category, e.g. Art & Craft, Computing & Technology, Home, Lifestyle & DIY etc
  • Courses by Date
  • Courses by Region, e.g. South, North, North West
  • Courses by Tutor
  • Key words using the search box

Selecting Your Classes

  • Click the Enrol Now button on each course you wish to enrol in (This will not be displayed if the class is full).
  • You’ll see the number of courses selected at the top right of the page increase by one for every course you select.
  • You’ll be given the option to Continue Browsing so you can view and select more courses or Proceed to Checkout if you’re ready to complete your enrolment.
  • If you want to review the courses you have selected, Click the Show Shortlist link at the top right of the page. To remove courses, click the X beside each you want to remove.
Proceeding to Checkout
  • You’ll first be asked to enter your first name, last name and email address. If you have enrolled with us before, please use the same details.
  • If you have not enrolled in an adult education course previously, you will be prompted to enter in further contact details and any concession information
  • Once your details have been correctly entered, you’ll be taken to a new summary page listing the enrolments and a payment section at the bottom to enter your credit card payment details.
  • If you want to enrol another student, they can be added now by clicking on Add another student.
  • After submitting the payment details, a message will be displayed confirming your enrolment was successful.
  • Each student will receive an email confirming their enrolment.

Enrol in person

If you prefer to enrol in person, visit any of the libraries across the state. See the contacts page for addresses and locations. You have the option of making your payment over the counter at your local library in cash (EFTPOS is also available at most libraries), by cheque or money order.

Cancellations and Refunds

Please choose your course carefully. A full refund is payable in the event that a class is cancelled. No other refunds are considered except for extenuating circumstances which are supported by a written application.


Concessions are offered to Pensioners, Health Care Card holders and full time students (Conc) and to holders of a Tasmanian Seniors Card (SC). Concessions do not apply to all courses and the concession status of each course is specified in the course guide.
Our website prices show the full price, followed by the concession prices. Mouse-over a concession price to determine whether it is the (Conc) price or (SC) price.

Course Fees

Course fees include GST where required under Taxation Guidelines and covers tutor fee and a levy for materials, equipment and facility usage. Your Course Information will advise if you need to bring other materials to your class at your expense.

Purchasing class materials

Please check your class information to see if you are required to purchase materials to be used in the class. If you do need to purchase anything, wait until 7 days before the class starts as classes sometimes are cancelled if enough enrolments are not received. Libraries Tasmania is not responsible for any outlays made by students for books or materials.

Public Holidays

Classes are not held on public holidays unless otherwise advertised.


Students should make themselves aware of potential risks involved in a course before enrolling. Students of adult education classes are responsible for the costs of all their own medical or other expenses in the case of an accident occurring before, during or after a course. Libraries Tasmania holds no cover for “no fault” accident insurance for injury to students or damage to property of students participating in adult education courses.

Disability or Special Needs

Libraries Tasmania is committed to achieving open and equitable access to and participation in a range of adult education programs and courses. If you have a disability or a medical condition which impacts on your ability to participate in an adult education course, please complete the Special Needs Form below or contact the adult education team. This will help us to make the necessary adjustments to maximise your enjoyment and experience in your chosen course. All enquiries are confidential.

Please note that carers supporting learners with disabilities can attend our classes free of charge. Please contact us for more information.

Feedback and suggestions

Libraries Tasmania welcomes your suggestions and feedback regarding Adult Education. Please contact your local library or email your enquiries, suggestions or concerns to