David Barratt
David has visited Bali once a year for the past 30 years. One of David prime aims in his visiting history has been to be amongst the local people and learn and experience the local ways of knowing and cooking.
David started theatre work at the age of 16 with the Launceston Players, as a stage hand.
He then served in the Airforce at 18 as a national service man.
When David left the Airforce, he went to England to study design and stage work.
After coming back to Tasmania he had a successful career as lecturer in the English Speech and Drama department at the then College of Further Education teaching stage and film makeup.
David continued to work with the Launceston Players as well as other drama and dance groups as a stage hand, actor, designer, stage manager and makeup person.
These days David specialises in special effects for the stage and Police and State Emergency services.