Philip Baker
Phil’s fundraising, marketing and management experience spans 27 years in England and Australia. Phil has always been a free thinker, innovative and creative in developing and implementing new fundraising and marketing strategies in pursuit of organisational objectives.
Various awards for fundraising excellence and marketing through Fundraising Institute Australia and the Institute of Marketing are testimony to Phil’s competencies and achievements. These include capital campaign – voted best in Australia 2001, bequest development, and national award in 2003, personal mentoring award in fundraising 2005, donor acquisition 2006, special events 2007 and quality improvement accreditation 2001 to 2007 under ISO9001.
In recent years Phil has been employed in the fundraising industry with the National Heart Foundation, the Clifford Craig Medical Research Foundation and Citizen Advocacy programs in Australia. He is currently a fundraising consultant with International Third Sector Consultants DVA Navion in Australia.
Phil’s late wife Sandy Baker was Australia’s first heart and double lung transplant patient and this life changing experience underpins Phil’s deep passion and understanding of philanthropy and the true value of community building fundraising programs.