Shadforths Ltd
Mat Taylor tutors this course for Shadforths. Mat is a Certified Financial Planner practitioner with a Bachelor of Economics degree. He has a Graduate Diploma of Risk and Insurance from Deakin University and a Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning from the Securities Institute. Mat has worked for major international banking and investment houses in Melbourne and London and is an accredited Level 2 Derivatives Advisor, a Fellow of the Financial Services Institution of Australia (FINSIA), and an Affiliate of the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA). Mat has been named in the Top 10 Certified Financial Planner (CFP) practitioners in Australia for the Australian Financial Review Smart Investor Magazine “Masterclass” for 2007.
Mat specialises in providing a holistic approach to managing financial affairs, including life goals establishment, superannuation advice, investment planning, cash flow management and wealth creation strategies, liaising with external professionals, where appropriate, to ensure lifestyle goals and objectives are met.